Our Impact:

27,079  FREE Books distributed to disadvantaged kids!

583 students in crisis provided basic needs support!

351 students on the road to grade level reading!


92% Improved Literacy Levels

88% Improved Overall Behavior

27,079 Free Books Distributed

65 students “STRIVING” for Success



Period (July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023)


351 Students were tutored in their school during the school day for approximately one hour twice per week.  Each student received 80 hours of tutoring in literacy for the school year.

An average of 92% of students improved their literacy levels using school-based i-Ready scores to determine student progress.

88% of students in RISE Program improved their behavior at school.

3,510 free books distributed to children in the RISE Tutoring Programs.

24,559 free books distributed through school-based FREE Book Fairs (whole school) and various events held at the HUB in Augusta. 

2,520 free new and used books provided in fourteen “Little Library Boxes” spread throughout the urban core of Augusta, GA

Total 583 wrap around supports provided to students and their families to help keep children in school and focused. 

STRIVE PROGRAM – Twelve students ages ranging from 18 – 22 received basic needs assistance along with intensive support services directed at securing vocational/college training, apprenticeships or job procurement.  Additionally, over sixty-five students received soft skills training to include job interviewing skills, basic financial literacy, resume help, credit monitoring, and customer service training. 

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