Helping Hands Program

Empowering & Equipping Students to Succeed

Helping Hands Program


Wrap-Around Support

Individualized support for students to foster success & build a foundation for growth



One-on-one & small group tutoring support to meet students where they are


Whole School Initiatives

Creating a positive & empowering environment for our students

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Wrap-Around Support

“Wrapping around” a student in need to further their potential and create a more even starting place for education. Each student within our program receives individualized support.

  • Health care support
    Providing basic healthcare support to foster a learning environment free of distraction & discomfort

  • Basic need support
    Aiding students with the basic necessities so they can focus on their goals

Wrap-Around Success:

Trying to focus while hungry or cold as a little kid can be extremely difficult, sometimes resulting in disruptive behavior or emotional issues. Historically, removing these barriers for students has resulted in decreases in discipline referrals, increases in attendance, and improvements in academic scores.



Providing extra support for students who need one-on-one or small group mentoring and academic help. Our tutors meet students where they are, working with them in class during the school day.

  • Literacy
    Students who can read by 4th grade are more likely to be successful in higher grades.

  • Math
    Raising up students who fall behind in math in lower grades proves to ready them for Middle School/High School math.

Tutoring/Remediation Success:

Developing a rapport with students, seeing them for who they are, and pinpointing their academic needs has led to great success. Year after year, more than 75% of all our tutored students experience success in the classroom!

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Whole School Support

A variety of supports for the entire student body

  • Family Engagement Events

  • Life Skills, Mentoring programs, Safety Events, Abstinence Education

  • Attendance Initiatives

  • Community Service Opportunities

  • Enrichment - Arts, STEM, History, Careers

Whole School Support Success:

All students deserve opportunities to learn. Our activities available for the whole school have always engaged students in something new, increasing interest and exposure while fostering an excitement for learning.

 The Need

RISE Augusta students are referred to us by School Administrators.

In years past, administrators refer around 15% of students to our program, but this year, the need is so high due to the negative impacts of Covid on education that we have seen an increase to 35%.

 Thank You

For Making the 2021 Fiscal Year a Success!

Get Involved

Your contribution makes an Impact. It is through the help of generous donors that we support the students of Richmond County.